
P3: Students develop a new character for use in an animation.

Marking Criteria: Pass, Distinction (No Merit)

Deadline - 14th December 2020

For this project students will be designing their own character to use in an animation.

You will need to;

a) Create a Character Profile.

b) Character Development

c) Competent Final Character Design.

This means a lot of sketching with a pencil and paper.

but first;

a) Write a Character profile. This will include specifying what the character is;

  • person/animal/object?
  • name?
  • age?
  • clothing?
  • nationality/region?
  • interests?
  • likes/dislikes?

b) Character Development. This will require you to sketch using pencil and paper.

You can start with a rough shape;

To research some character Model sheets you can search here.

Video showing how to draw a simple cartoon. Video or this Video.

Fun character designs you must see: Press here.

On your Blog you should have;
  • Rough sketches on paper (lots and lots). Not to copy and paste from the internet, they must be your sketches.
  • You should photograph and add to blog
  • Consider mouth and eye movements sheet... range of facial expressions in more detail.

c) A Competent Final Character Design.

You can use Photoshop/ Illustrator to create a final image.

Final character in Illustrator must show; Final character expressions,  Final character poses (walk/jump etc).

Use this search. Character Model Boards

An example of a final character model looks like this. You can also add the colour for the character and costumes.

This is the character model sheet from the Disney Movie Tangled (Rapunzel). You should aim to create within your own artistic ability. This is to demonstrate what to include in your final model sheet.

Marking Scheme:





Be able to plan a new character for use in an animation


Learners develop a new character for use in an animation, including:

a) character profile

b) character development

c) competent final character design


The character design produced by learners conveys the character’s profile. Learners progress initial sketches to finished illustrations that show a range of the character’s activities, expressions and emotions in relation to the proposed profile.



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